Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fastecash blogging Contest-Your Best Chance To Make Money Blogging

Exactly 31st March, 2009, by 11.59 p.m. , Nigerians determined by their own votes, the most impressive, interesting and informative blog in the First Ever Organised Blogging Contest in Nigeria. Charle Ogboka, the owner of the blog with the FasteCash username cogboka emerged as the 1st winner of the contest and got a swollen FasteCash account of N50,000.00 cash prize.

Though he is reportedly enjoying the money he made by participating in the contest now but the indelible mark that the contest had on his blog cannot be quantified in term of cash because Google speedily gave his website a visible rank of 1/10 in less than 2 months of the contest. It is rare to witness such a generosity from Google search engine. There is no other magic for him to achieve that than the one provided by FasteCash Blogging Contest (FBC I)

Luck also bestowed favours on two other winners of the contest, Yele Balogun, the owner and administrator of who got his FasteCash account, arambada loaded with N30,000 and Ekpo Ekpo of saw his FasteCash account glorious refreshed with N10,000.00. What a great way to make money in less than 2 months of managing your own blog! The latest winners also got great traffic to their blog so much that Google search engine also rewarded their blogs with good ranking.

If you understand the power of traffic to a blog, then you will know that these individuals are on their ways to create an online empire. All the participants of FBC have powerful testimonies of having too much traffic so much that some of them exceeded their web blog bandwidth limit and have to quickly increase their hosting space bandwidth. Those that monetized their blogs with Google Adsense were seeing money trickling daily into their Google Adsense account.

The smart ones take advantage of the traffic opportunities and start marketing to the visitors pumping in daily to read their articles. Some started branding themselves with the style of their writing, creating names and positioning themselves as authorities in their chosen titles.

At the end of the day, one of the participant declared that they are all winners. Read how he puts it;

The fact is, all contestants should know that winning this contest or loosing does not mean you have not done well. In fact everybody is going to win here as we shall all have learnt more about blogging successfully. -Caleb Odofin, FBC I Participant

FasteCash Blogging Contest (FBC) is indeed a highly innovative idea that is already causing wave on Internet blogosphere. You shouldn't even think of missing the FBC II because this time around, it is going to be more explosive than ever

This opportunity is your best chance to hone your blogging skill and attract unbelievable traffic. For instant access to this self upliftment open door,
Click Here
Custom Search

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