Thursday, March 5, 2009

Top 10 Ways To Make Your Blog Popular

Popularity counts. If you want to really make it as a blogger, there is the necessity to popularize your blog. Different people have several techniques they use to make their blogs popular. In this post, i will reveal top 10 ways to make your blog popular so that more people can know about your blog. This concept alone is capable of multiplying your income overnight.

1. Post A Comment-Don't be surprised that i'm making this the first technique to adopt in order to popularize your blog. Get to visit the blogs of others on the internet. Find out more about them and leave a kind comment as a post on their form. By so doing, it will be easy for you to sign out with the signature of your blog address. Readers who find your comment attractive can visit your blog to know more about you.

2. Put Your Post To Work-Sites like gives the opportunity to use inline adds in your blog. This will stand you out of the crowd with a great potential for high income.

3. Pay For Review-You can enter paid review programs like the one offered by When others write about you, more people gets to know about you.

4. Join A Blog Contest-I never knew how good this method could be until i joined a blog contest recently. Apart from the popularity you get, your creativity is enhanced and you stand to benefit from the voters who leave a comment on your blog. You cannot see yourself better than how others see you.

5. Offer A Contest-Invite your readers to enter for a contest and offer a grand prize. This will stimulate participation and huge response from visitors who are likely to become your fanatical fans.

6. Write For Others-Don't forget that you are writer. Submitting articles to other webmasters is more likely to increase your traffic flow. I personally enjoy the service offered by

7. Make Your Posts Unique-Let your posts be a unique expression of your personality. Be original and independent.

8. Ping Your Posts-You will need to register with technorati for instant announcement of your posts to the online community. This allow your fans to get fresh stories instantly from your blog. The service is available at

9. Stumble Upon-This is a social bookmarking site. You dare not underestimate the popularity you can enjoy by signing up free at

10. Link To Other Blogs-You can get to be seen when you link with other blogs that offers complementary service to yours.

Most people keep on adopting new techniques to make their blogs popular. If you adopts any of these 10 ways, you may just be on your way to mind blowing popularity and profits.
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