Monday, January 5, 2009

How To Earn More From Adsense

At the initial stage, the money you make through adsense may be little. The desire to earn more quickly stir up in you the desire to learn more techniques and tricks to immediately increase your earning potential.
How then do you go about this?
Follow me as i reveal in details simple steps you can take to pump up your earning potential with adsense.
Google never wish that you stay in darkness. Information on how to optimize your adsense revenue potential is available by google and explained as follows:
'Wondering whether a certain ad placement, format, or color will be effective on your pages? Run a test to find out. Experimenting with AdSense can help you discover what will work best for your site, and channels are the perfect tool for your experiments. Any time you make changes to your site, take advantage of channels to measure and observe the effects. Whether you want to track a specific type of ad placement or an entire site, custom and URL channels will help you determine what'll be most successful.

Testing will also help you make smart decisions about your ads. If you're considering implementing one of our other optimization tips, we encourage you to test it out with channels. The more you test, the better you know the effects of the ads. The better you know the effects of the ads, the faster you'll realize your revenue potential.

Tip for channel users: When you create a custom channel, give it a detailed name so you can easily identify it later in your reports. For example, "ArticleRightWideSkyscraperOpenAir" could represent your wide skyscraper ad unit with the Open Air palette, located on the right-hand side of your article pages.'
Then natural questions you should now ask is what this thing called 'customed channel' is about. Join me next month as i take you through easy to understand explanation on setting up a custom adsense channel.
Custom Search

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