Saturday, November 15, 2008

What Is Google Adsense?

Hope you are happy with the simple and easy way to create a blog? That is what I expected you to do after going through with the first lesson on 'what is blogging'.
You can now see that it is not difficult to be an online publisher.
Now that you have a blog of your own, the next thing is to get google to place adverts on your blog. How can this happen?
The steps you will need to take are very simple and amazing. Just make sure you have good content on your blog. Google will start paying you for any click-through on any of the adverts placed on your blog. Before then, you must have formally applied for adsense account. Google will review your application and inform you later if you have been successful. Once your application is approved, the power to start earning money has been transferred to you.
Google adsense is a fast way to start earning good income online. You surely will not want to be left out.
Custom Search

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